How to use 3rd-party tracking urls (pixel tracking) for podcast ad campaigns?

Our 3rd-party tracking is currently in Beta. If you'd like to try it out, reach out to us on email to or using our Live Chat. Let us know which shows you'd like this Beta feature to be enabled on.

How to use 3rd party tracking?

In the Campaigns page go to the Ads heading and select an individual ad that you'd like to track. In the Third-party tracking section, select Add Tracker, enter a Name for the tracker and paste in the Tracker URL from your tracking service.

Add a Tracker

Supported Trackers

Magellan AI
Chartable (now closed)

Macros available:

episodeID: The globally unique identifier for the episode
seriesID: The globally unique identifier for the podcast
timestamp: The unix timestamp of when the ad was delivered
timestampISO: The ISO8601 timestamp of when the ad was delivered
random: A randomly generated number
placement: The placement of the ad, either preroll, midroll, or postroll

Additionally the following headers will be sent:

X-Device-User-Agent: Always sent, will include the user agent of the listeners device
X-Forwarded-For/X-Device-IP: Will be sent if the “Send IP Headers” checkbox is selected and will contain the listeners IP address

Updated on: 20/01/2025

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