I've come from Riverside, what's Transistor for?
Welcome to Transistor.fm
You may have been redirected from Riverside over to us here at Transistor, so here's what you need to know.
Riverside is an all-in-one recording and editing platform for your audio and video content.
Transistor is a podcast hosting platform. We help you to publish and distribute your audio files as a podcast.
Transistor is a paid software application and is a separate company to Riverside.
Why have I been redirected to Transistor.fm?
Transistor has a direct integration with Riverside to allow you to push your content directly from Riverside over into your Transistor account.
In Riverside you may see the Transistor logo under the Publish options. We are listed as one of the places you can publish your audio content. Clicking that Transistor publish option will redirect you to Transistor.
Do I need to create a Transistor account?
You only need to create an account with Transistor if you would like us to be your podcast hosting platform.
To create an account and view our pricing you can visit our pricing page: https://transistor.fm/pricing/
How do I create a podcast in Transistor?
Updated on: 06/08/2024
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