Browse All Categories
- Using TransistorHow to use Transistor features, invite users, delete episodes, etc.
- PodcastingTutorials on podcasting: learn how downloads are counted, how to record a remote guest, etc.
- Submitting to Apple, Spotify and other directoriesHow to get your podcast distribution set up
- Private podcastingInstructions on setting up private podcasts, adding a private podcast to your podcast player, etc.
- Your podcast websiteConfiguring Transistor's basic website template
- Setting up your podcastLearn how to migrate your podcast from another hosting provider, set up seasons, etc.
- Apple PodcastsQuestions about configuring Apple Podcasts and Apple Podcast Connect
- SpotifyQuestions about configuring your podcast on Spotify
- Moving your show from a different podcast hostHow to import a podcast from a different provider
- Promoting your podcastLearn how to promote your show and get more listeners
- IntegrationsConnect your podcast to external services like Twitter and YouTube
- Free Podcast WebsitesCreate a website for your podcast by using your existing RSS feed
- RedirectingHow to redirect your podcast feed from your previous hosting provider.
- VideoHow to use our YouTube integration and add video links to your Transistor episodes.