What are private podcast subscribers?
On a private podcast, when you add an individual subscriber, we generate a unique RSS feed for them. This means every subscriber you add to a private podcast on Transistor will get: Their own onboarding sequence via email A unique email notification every time an episode is published A unique RSS feed that they can add to their podcast player Unique website player that tracks their progress through episodes Unique episode web pages that they cPopularHow do I subscribe to a private podcast?
If you've received an invitation to an enhanced private podcast feed, you can easily add it to your favorite podcast player on your iPhone, Android device, Mac, or PC. Step 1: Open the email on your preferred device You should have received an email that looks like this: Want to subscribe on your phone? Just open the email on your mobile device and we'll help you add the podcaPopularHow to create a private internal podcast for your team, company, organization
This page has moved View our guide on creating a private podcast. Private podcast description Note: In terms of security, we recommend that companies treat private podcasts the same way as internal company email: folks should know not to share it, but there's nothing stopping them from doing so. That's because anything that's published on the public internet carries the risk of being discSome readersWhat's the difference between Basic Private Podcasts and Enhanced Private Podcasts?
Comparing our two private podcast options. Unlisted podcasts (previously known as basic private podcasts) and our Enhanced Private podcasts.Few readersHow to use the Unlisted podcasts feature
Unlisted Podcasts (previously known as Basic Private Podcasts) We released a new version of our private podcasts feature, called Enhanced Private Podcasts. However, you can still use the simpler unlisted version, this provides a single RSS feed that is hidden from public podcast directories: How to create an unlisted podcast feed: In your Transistor account click the green Add a Show button Click on Create a New Podcast Go to the Settings tab of the podcastFew readersWhat rules should I add to our allow list to ensure Transistor's emails are delivered to my company?
Have your IT team allow email receiving from these email addresses, IP addresses & domains: Sending email: support@transistor.fm and mail@transistor.fm IP address: Domains: em7173.transistor.fm and transistor.fmFew readersWhy have basic private podcasts been renamed to unlisted?
Changes to Basic Private Podcasts If you had a Basic Private Podcast (or a podcast that was hidden from Apple Podcasts) as of the 5th July 2022 we have made a change to your podcast settings. “Basic Private” podcasts are now called “Unlisted” Podcasts. We are opting for this simpler set up to make a show unlisted and hidden from podcast directories and still compatible with the Google Podcasts app. Google Podcasts had phased out support for our previous style of basic private podcasts.Few readers