How to submit your podcast to Apple Podcasts
One-click Submit for Transistor Podcasts
If you have created your podcast in Transistor, it is now possible to submit your show to Apple Podcasts in just one click.
New shows can be submitted to platforms from the Distribution tab.

Once you have at least one published episode in your show and have completed the Distribution Checklist, you'll be able to start submitting your new show to platforms like Apple Podcasts.

Confirm whether your show contains any third-party content, and if so, whether it has the rights to that content.
Then click the "Submit my show to Apple Podcasts" button.

After this, the show will be processed by Apple. This could take up to an hour.
When Apple has processed the new show, we'll notify you by sending a confirmation email to your Transistor account email.

You'll now be able to view your show in Apple Podcasts and find your Apple Podcasts URL for the show.

You can now see your show in Apple Podcasts.

That's it! Your show is now available in Apple Podcasts!
Next Steps
Optionally, you can claim ownership of your show in Apple Podcasts Connect in order to manage the show there. This gives you full control of the show in Apple Podcasts, providing further listener insights and access to their paid Apple Subscriptions program.
Follow our guide to claim your new show in Apple Podcasts.
What if I imported my show?
If you imported your show into Transistor from another host, you will not be able to use the one-click submit option.
In this case, if the show is already on Apple, we will attempt to find it in their directory and automatically add the URL to your Apple Podcasts section in the Distribution page in Transistor. If we cannot do this but the show is on Apple and you know the Apple Podcasts URL, you can add it manually.

If you have imported your show from another host and the show was never previously submitted to Apple, you'll need to manually submit the podcast using Apple Podcasts Connect.
The manual submission steps are as follows:
Login to Apple Podcasts Connect
This is Apple's dashboard for podcasters. You'll submit your RSS feed here:

Click the + sign and select "New Show"
In the top left of the screen, click the purple + icon and select the "New Show" option.

Choose a Show Type: "Add a show with an RSS feed"
On the next screen, choose the option to "Add a show with an RSS feed."

Copy & paste your Transistor RSS feed URL
Back in Transistor, you can copy your RSS feed from the top of the Distribution page for your show.

Now you can add this to the next screen in Apple Podcasts Connect.

Wait for Apple to process your show details
Your show will be added in "Draft" status while Apple processes it.

Refresh this page until it says that processing is complete.
Complete the Content Rights section
Select an option for Content Rights that best describes your show and save the change.

Choose an Update Frequency
Select an option for how often you intend to publish new episodes and save the change.

Click "Publish"
Now that it is available, click the "Publish" button in the top right of the screen.

Your show will update to show a status of "Published" with a green checkmark.

Add Apple Podcasts URL to Transistor
The show will have been assigned an Apple Podcasts URL, which you can share with others and navigate to in order to see your new show.

Additionally, you can add this URL to the Apple section in your show's Distribution page to ensure that Apple Podcasts badges linking to you show are displayed on your episode share pages, Transistor podcast website, and in your embed players.

Click the blue hyperlink "add your URL here" and paste in your Apple Podcasts URL.

That's it! You're all done. Your imported show is now submitted to Apple Podcasts Connect.

Once you've been accepted by Apple, your episodes will automatically appear in their directory when you publish new episodes.
Updated on: 21/02/2025
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