Importing your podcast from Anchor (migration instructions)
How To Migrate From Anchor To Transistor.
If you're considering making the switch from Anchor to Transistor, it's really easy. It's a two step process:
Import a copy of your existing content
Redirect your old feed to point to your new Transistor feed
Once the import is complete, and you've redirected your feed, you'll be able to delete your old Anchor account.
If you're still deciding, you can read our comparison guide: Why do people switch from Anchor to Transistor?
Step 1: Import Your Existing Anchor Content.
Log into Transistor and click Add Show
Select the second option Import an Existing Podcast
Click the blue link I'd rather enter my RSS feed directly
Paste in your Anchor RSS feed and click the Next Step: Validation button
We send a verification email to the email address shown in your Anchor feed
Once ownership is verified, the import should begin
Any issues with the import process, see the Troubleshooting section at the bottom of this guide.

About The Import Process
We'll import everything from your Anchor feed:
All of your show information e.g. title, description, keywords etc
Your cover art and episode artwork
All of your episode audio files
All of your episode information e.g. titles, show notes, publish dates
Step 2: Redirect your old Anchor feed to Transistor
The redirect is very important. It ensures that the podcast directories and your existing subscribers know where you have moved to.
Once the import is complete go to the Overview tab of your podcast in Transistor
Click the RSS Feed button and copy your new Transistor RSS feed
Go to the settings section in Spotify for Podcasters on the web (redirection is not possible in the mobile app)
Find Redirect your podcast
Paste your Transistor feed into the redirect field
Click Redirect
Here's their guide on redirecting your feed on Spotify:
Once the redirect is in place the migration is complete. It's best to wait two weeks before you delete your old hosting account.
Troubleshooting The Import Process
Here are some additional pieces of information that maybe helpful if you get stuck during the import process.
Finding your RSS feed
If you're not sure what your current RSS feed is, you'll need to find that on your current hosting platform. Anchor is now owned by Spotify so you'll need to login to Spotify for Podcasters to find your RSS Feed, then you can complete the import process.
Here's their guide on locating your RSS Feed:
Receiving The Verification Email
You will need an email address to be present in your Anchor feed to be able to import it elsewhere. Here's how to show your email address in your feed in Spotify for Podcasters:
Updated on: 06/11/2024
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