Articles on: Private podcasting

What's the difference between Unlisted Podcasts and Private Podcasts?

Transistor offers two types of private podcast: Unlisted Podcasts and Private Podcasts.

Unlisted Podcasts (Previously known as Basic Private Podcasts)

Unlisted podcasts are a simple way to hide a feed from public podcast directories.

Unlimited unlisted podcasts are available in all of our plans. They are created in the same way as a public podcast, by clicking the 'Add a Show' button in your Transistor account. Once you have created a podcast, you make it hidden from public podcast directories by checking the 'Make this show's RSS Feed unlisted' option in the Settings tab under the RSS Feed section.

With unlisted podcasts you get a single private RSS feed. You share this RSS feed manually with all your intended listeners through email, social media etc.
Whoever has access to the RSS feed can listen to the podcast. It's not possible to remove access for an individual subscriber with unlisted podcasts as all subscribers are using the same RSS feed.

With unlisted podcasts you can:

Hide your podcast from public podcast platforms and directories
Use embedded podcast players to add your podcast to your website (private podcasts are usually only embedded on internal or membership sites)
Let subscribers add the RSS feed to any podcast listening app that supports private podcasts (Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Podcast Addict etc)
Check analytics for your show (that includes download numbers, popular app & devices used and geographical location info)
Turn your podcast into a public podcast at any time (simply by unchecking the 'Make this show's RSS Feed unlisted' option in the Settings tab)
Enable a Transistor provided podcast website

Unlisted podcasts are the lowest cost option and have flexibility to make it as accessible or private as you need.

Private Podcasts

Private podcast are available in our all of our plans.

The plan you choose comes with a quota of Private Podcast Subscribers. You can split this quota equally between any number of private podcasts.
As standard the Starter plan allows for 50 private podcast subscribers, the Professional plan allows for 500 subscribers and the Business plan allows for 3000 subscribers. You can upgrade and add additional subscribers at any time.

With private podcasts each subscriber gets a unique RSS feed emailed to them. You can add and remove their individual access at any time.

With private podcasts you can:

Hide your podcast from public podcast platforms and directories
Welcome new subscribers with an email that contains their unique RSS feed
Automatically notify your subscribers of new episodes by email
Use embedded podcast players to add your podcast to your website (private podcasts are usually only embedded on internal or membership sites)
Let subscribers add their unique RSS feed to any podcast listening app that supports private podcasts (Apple Podcasts, Podcast Addict etc)
Check analytics for your show and its individual subscribers (you can see which episodes each subscriber has listened to and how many times)

Private podcasts do not have a Transistor provided website.

Private podcasts require more infrastructure as each subscriber gets their own RSS feed. This makes them a more expensive option compared to Unlisted Podcasts. However this allows you to control access to your private podcast in a more detailed way.

Can Private podcasts be shared with non-subscribers?

As with any content published on the Internet there is always the possibility that people may try to re-record or share audio on all types of private podcasts. That will always be possible. Even with a dedicated app or encrypted audio, if it's possible to play the audio, it can be re-recorded and shared in some way. However with private podcasts you can see how many times a particular subscriber has listened. If you believe they are sharing their feed, then you can remove just their access. While private podcasts are hidden from public directories they are not intended for sensitive or confidential information.

Which type of private podcast should I choose?

If you're wanting to test out an idea or start a private podcast on a budget, or for a very small group of people then an unlisted podcast would be the best option. Our Starter plan offers the best value.

If you are running a paid private podcast or an internal company podcast and you will want to add and remove access for individuals on a regular basis, then Private Podcast would be the best type for you. Our Professional plan is a good place to start and you can always upgrade at any time as your podcast grows.

Want to start your own private podcast?

Check out our guide, How to create a private podcast and take a look at our private podcast features.

Updated on: 17/10/2024

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