Do you support the new Apple Podcasts categories?
Apple Podcasts has added new top-level categories such as Fiction, History, and True Crime — as well as dozens of new subcategories. (You can see the updated list of supported categories in Apple Podcasts help
Transistor has supported these new categories since July 15, 2019.

You can make changes to your show's category now, and they’ll go live on Apple Podcasts.
Apple Podcasts has added new top-level categories such as Fiction, History, and True Crime — as well as dozens of new subcategories. (You can see the updated list of supported categories in Apple Podcasts help
Transistor has supported these new categories since July 15, 2019.

You can make changes to your show's category now, and they’ll go live on Apple Podcasts.
Updated on: 23/02/2021
Thank you!