Articles on: Setting up your podcast

Importing your podcast from a different provider

Are you currently hosting on Simplecast, Libsyn, Pod Bean, or Anchor?

You can easily import your podcast into Transistor!

Once the import is complete, and you've updated Apple Podcasts, you can delete your old Simplecast, Libsyn, Pod Bean, or Anchor account.

Step 1: log into Transistor and click "Add show"

In the "My Shows" menu, click "Add show." You'll see a screen that looks like this:

Import an existing podcast into Transistor

You're going to be using the "Import an Existing Show" section.

Step 2: find your main RSS feed for your show

Now, find your podcast's main feed URL. 

In Simplecast, go to "Sharing" in the menu, and copy the URL under "RSS Feed."

In Libsyn, go to your Dashboard, and click on "Designations." Click “Edit” for the “Libsyn Classic Feed.”

Step 3: wait while we import your show

Our system will import your feed into Transistor. Depending on the number of episodes you have, this could take awhile! We'll email you when it's done.

Step 4: success! Find your new RSS feed URL on Transistor

Once your show is imported, you'll be able to view your show on Transistor (with all of your previous episodes) plus grab your new RSS feed URL:

Step 5: update your RSS feed URL in Apple Podcast Connect

Log into your account on Apple's Podcast Connect

Step 6: update your RSS feed on Spotify

Log in to the Spotify Podcast Portal (
On the Dashboard, choose your podcast
Click on the "Settings" link in the menu
Click the "Update" button
Paste in your new RSS feed URL
Confirm your settings
Now Spotify will pull new podcast episodes from your new feed!

Watch this video

Step 7: go back to your old provider and forward to your new feed URL

Now it's time to go back to your old podcast host (Simplecast, Libsyn, etc) and forward your old feed to your new Transistor feed.

Forward your old Simplecast feed

Go to "Podcast settings" and scroll to the bottom until you see "Advanced settings." 

In the "RSS Feed Redirect" field, paste in your new Transistor feed URL.

Click "Save Changes."

This 301 redirect, will automatically forward anyone subscribed to the old RSS feed to your new one.

Forward your old Libsyn feed

Go to your Dashboard, and click on "Settings."
Click on "Redirects" in the left sidebar
Paste in your new Transistor feed URL in the "Feed Redirect URL" input box.
Click the save button
Libsyn will redirect your RSS feed permanently, even after you cancel your Libsyn account.

Forward your old PodBean feed

Log into your account and visit this URL:

Step 7: Start to close down your previous hosting account

It's best to wait two weeks before you delete your old hosting account.

We recommend you take an export of your historical analytics from your old hosting provider for your own records. Analytics do not migrate between hosts so your Transistor analytics will start fresh.

Ensure your redirect is in place. Check any new episodes you publish on Transistor are being picked up on podcast directories like Spotify and Apple Podcasts etc.

Once you have checked your redirect is working and you have saved a copy of your historical analytics, you can delete your old hosting account.

You're all done!

Your podcast is now hosted on Transistor and new episodes should be added here.

Updated on: 23/05/2024

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