What are Dynamic Show Notes?
Dynamic Show Notes allow you to automatically insert promotional text and links in all of your episode descriptions. This is a great way to draw attention to a promotion, upcoming event, or announcement in your Show Notes and then be able to easily remove that text block when it is no longer needed.
You insert Dynamic Show Notes as a part of a Dynamic Ads Campaign.

Use our text editor to create the text you'd like to have inserted in all your episode descriptions. Activate your campaign, and the text will appear in all of your show notes. Once you deactivate the campaign, we'll automatically remove the promo text from your episodes.
To learn more about placeholder tags, click here.
By default, the Beginning Show Notes will be inserted at the top of your show notes, while the Ending Show Notes will be inserted at the bottom of your show notes.
Their locations can be customized using the {{campaign_start}} and {{campaign_end}} tags in an episode's Show Notes section.

These changes are made on an episode-by-episode basis. Above, we have relocated the campaign show notes either side of the chapters for a single episode.
You insert Dynamic Show Notes as a part of a Dynamic Ads Campaign.

Use our text editor to create the text you'd like to have inserted in all your episode descriptions. Activate your campaign, and the text will appear in all of your show notes. Once you deactivate the campaign, we'll automatically remove the promo text from your episodes.
Positioning Dynamic Show Notes using Placeholder Tags
To learn more about placeholder tags, click here.
By default, the Beginning Show Notes will be inserted at the top of your show notes, while the Ending Show Notes will be inserted at the bottom of your show notes.
Their locations can be customized using the {{campaign_start}} and {{campaign_end}} tags in an episode's Show Notes section.

These changes are made on an episode-by-episode basis. Above, we have relocated the campaign show notes either side of the chapters for a single episode.
Updated on: 06/11/2024
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