How do I embed my podcast?
Looking to customize the colors of your embeds? View our guide on Embed Player Color Customization
If you host your own website, we have three ways you can embed your podcast episodes.
Single Episode
Most Recent Episode
Multi-Episode (whole podcast feed)
You can see our different types of players and test them out here: Transistor's Embed Players.
You embed your own episodes into your website by copying and pasting the supplied iFrame (inline frame) code into your website.
You can also manually embed any of your published episodes.
Go to the "Episodes" page, and click the ... icon (three dots) on the right of the episode you'd like to embed:

Once the modal window opens, click the "copy" icon to copy the embed code.

You can embed your whole podcast feed on your website, or embed your latest episode.

To access the multi-episode player (or to embed your most recent episode), go to the "Episodes" page, and then click the "Embeds" dropdown in the upper-right:

Transistor's Embeddable Podcast Players
If you host your own website, we have three ways you can embed your podcast episodes.
Single Episode
Most Recent Episode
Multi-Episode (whole podcast feed)
You can see our different types of players and test them out here: Transistor's Embed Players.
You embed your own episodes into your website by copying and pasting the supplied iFrame (inline frame) code into your website.
Embed a single episode
You can also manually embed any of your published episodes.
Go to the "Episodes" page, and click the ... icon (three dots) on the right of the episode you'd like to embed:

Once the modal window opens, click the "copy" icon to copy the embed code.

Multi-Episode player and Most Recent Episode player
You can embed your whole podcast feed on your website, or embed your latest episode.

To access the multi-episode player (or to embed your most recent episode), go to the "Episodes" page, and then click the "Embeds" dropdown in the upper-right:

How do you embed on your website
Updated on: 06/11/2024
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