Which podcast apps support transcripts?
Which podcast apps support transcripts? Podcast transcripts, podcast transcription, view podcast transcripts in app, Podcast transcripts on Spotify, Podcast transcripts on Apple Podcasts, Podcast transcripts on Amazon Music, Podcast transcripts on YouTube, Podcast transcripts on Fountain, Podcast transcripts on Player.fmFeaturedWhat constitutes a podcast download, stream, listen?
What is a podcast download? As a podcast hosting platform we measure in “Downloads”, which is the industry standard. A Download indicates that the audio file has been delivered to the listener’s device. The Sounds Profitable Podcast Industry Glossary defines a podcast Download as: *“A term governed by the IAB Podcast Measurement Technical GuidelinesPopularHow to distribute your podcast to Apple Podcasts, Spotify etc
Distributing Your Podcast For The First Time Once you have created your podcast on Transistor and have at least one episode or trailer published, you can submit your show to any podcast directory that accepts RSS feeds. We have created a Distribution page that makes it easy to submit your RSS feed to the top 20+ directories. You can work down the Distribution page for your show and follow the steps needed for each platform. Once your show has been submitted and approved in those placesPopularHow do I add MP3 chapters to my podcast episode?
How to add chapters? You have two ways to add chapter information into your podcast episode. Before upload - You can embed chapters into your mp3 file using a third-party tool After upload - You can embed chapters into your mp3 file using Transistor Embedding chapters into your mp3 file - Third-party tools You can use various third-party tools to embed chapters into your audio file, before uploading them to Transistor. Forecast (Mac)PopularHow large can podcast audio files be?
Getting a message your audio file won't upload due to file size? We typically don't recommend files any larger than 200MB. "Downloading large files takes up more bandwidth and can cause data transfer limits to be hit quickly. You don’t want to be a hog and take up all the space on the listeners devices, or cause them to wait several hours while your episode finishes downloading." – Derrick at Signal Leaf We've also seen podcast subscribers who will unsubscribe from a show if the files are tSome readersShould I mark my episode as explicit?
Podcast platforms like Apple Podcasts don't have a clear cut definition of what is considered explicit. However if your podcast episode contains any words, topics or references to any content that may be considered age sensitive subjects, then we usually recommend you mark your episode as explicit. It doesn't impact your podcast at all, it just gives it a parental advisory label. It is much better to mark an episode as explicit even for just one or two words rather than have the episode flagFew readersHow do I add my podcast to categories on Spotify?
I asked our contact at Spotify about this, and she wrote back saying: The genre hubs you see on Spotify are not curated by our programming team, but instead populated algorithmically. As the show grows, the more likely it will be to appear in those categories.Few readersHow do I record a remote podcast guest?
Transistor provides podcast hosting and analytics. We don't currently offer any recording or audio editing features. Here are our recommendations for recording and editing software: For recording remote guests, we recommend these apps: Riverside SquadCast You can also record Zoom calls You can also read our in depth guide: How to start a podcast - Recording & Editing Software (https://transistor.fm/how-to-start-aFew readersWhat is bot traffic? How does it affect podcasts?
Bot traffic is any non-human traffic to a website. These are automated software programs that visit websites, download audio files, etc... Some of them are good (for example, assistants like Siri and Alexa need bots for their queries) and some of them are bad (spambots from Russia or China). In either case, podcast hosting platforms (like Transistor, Libsyn, etc...) are continually trying to identify and remove bot traffic. At Transistor, we're continuously re-analyzing analytics to removeFew readersHow do I add time stamps to my podcast episodes?
There are two approaches for this: Create audio chapters in your MP3. You can visit our guide here: Adding Chapters) Add timestamps as text in your Show Notes field. Adding Timestamps to Show Notes Here's an example of how timestamps show up on our podcast websites:Few readersHow to add transcripts to your podcast episodes
You can now add a transcript to your podcast episodes. Here's how it works: Create an episode in Transistor and save it Go to the Transcripts tab for the individual episode Click on the blue link to Upload a Transcript You can either paste in your transcript, or upload a .srt, .vtt, .txt, or .json file. Click the green Create Transcript button Here's how it looks: (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/aca7790da3b2f000/screenshot-2024-02-28-at-13252Few readersHow do I get paid to podcast?
Read our guide on podcast monetization here.Few readersHow do I validate a podcast RSS feed?
You can't use a regular RSS feed validator to check a podcast feed for errors. Sites like "W3C Feed Validation Service" and "feedvalidator.org" were designed to validate RSS feed for blogs, not podcasts. Instead, you should use Podbase It will give you a report that looks like this:Few readersHow do I make a podcast with my iPad?
Your iPad comes with audio recording and editing software called GarageBand. Once you've recorded and edited your show, you can export your audio file and upload it directly to Transistor: Steps for making a podcast on your iPad: Download GarageBand on your iPad. Record your audio in Garageband, and edit it. Click the folder icon (upper-left) Press on your completed project until the "Share" option pops up. ChoosFew readersIs there a sitemap for my podcast website?
Yes! Transistor does this out-of-the-box for the podcast websites we host. It looks like this: yoursite.transistor.fm/sitemap.xml Or, if you are using a custom domain with us, it will look like this: yourdomain.com/sitemap.xml Here is a live example: https://saas.transistor.fm/sitemap.xml And here is an example from a site with a custom domain: https://www.productpeople.tv/sitemap.xml You can submit this sitemap to Google Search Console What is a sitemap for? A siteFew readersWhy do I need Transistor? Can't I just record my audio and upload it to Apple Podcasts?
You might think that Apple will host your podcast for you. But that's a common misconception! Every podcast needs to purchase their own hosting for their MP3 files, to generate a valid RSS feed, and show notes. iTunes, Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Overcast are podcast players that also feature a podcast directory. But they're not hosting platforms. When you click "download" or "subscribe" in these apps, the request gets sent to whichever host your favorite podcast is using (like Transistor.Few readersWhere do I find intro music for my podcast?
View free podcast music here.Few readersHow can I add the Podcorn prefix to my podcast?
Transistor allows you to easily add the Podcorn analytics prefix to your RSS feed. Just head to your podcast Settings page, and select the Analytics Prefixes option from the top header menu. Check the box for Podcorn and click Save Changes at the bottom of the page. If you're interested in gaining more analytics for your podcast you may also want to take a look at thFew readersCan I see how many people pressed the play button?
Podcasting is built on top of an open platform (RSS), so there's no way to see how many people pressed play. The only exception is when the podcast players themselves track those stats. For example, you can see how many people started listening (and stopped) inside of Apple Podcasts: https://podcastsconnect.apple.com/analytics/shows Read more about podcast stats here (https://trFew readersHow loud should my podcast audio be?
There are differing standards for loudness and spoken-word audio: EU: -16 LUFS Spotify/Alexa: -14 LUFS Audio Engineering Society: -18 LUFS Radio: -24 LUFS Public Radio: -18 LUFS At Transistor, we recommend -16 LUFS.Few readersHow do I get more listeners?
Looking to grow your listeners? We created a detailed guide with lots of suggestions here: Can Transistor help me to grow my podcast? We also have a detailed blog post on the subject: How to grow your podcast audience. If you'd like some personalised recommendations, you can reach out to our support: Transistor Customer SupportFew readersWhy are my analytics different in Transistor compared to other places?
Why are my numbers lower in Transistor? How do downloads compare to plays and streams?Few readersHow can I add the Podkite prefix to my podcast?
Podkite is a third-party analytics platform. Transistor allows you to easily add the Podkite prefix to your RSS feed. Just head to your Show Settings, and scroll down to “Advanced Settings." Choose the Podkite option from the checklist, enter your Podkite Token, and then Save Changes Podkite If you're also interested in other prefixes you may want to take a look at the Open PodcasFew readersWhich podcast prefixes does Transistor support?
You can use 3rd-party podcast tracking services with your Transistor podcast. These tools can offer additional analytics and monetization opportunities for your podcast. You can enable more than one to stack them together. To enable these prefixes on your RSS feed, go to your podcast Settings page, and select the Analytics Prefixes header menu. CheckFew readersHow do I make a podcast?
Get a USB microphone (the ATR2100 or the Samson Q2U are both good). Connect your microphone to your computer, iPhone, Android, or tablet. Record your audio. You can use free software like Garage Band (Mac) or Audacity (PC). Export your recorded audio to MP3. For audio quality, choose 44100 Hz and 128 kb/s in your export settings. Log in to yFew readers